What is Autism?

What is Autism?

Autism is considered to be a lifelong neurological developmental disability that affects how a person makes sense of and relates to the world around them and to other people.

Cool Design

Cool Design

Pastry gingerbread wafer powder oat cake carrot cake sugar plum macaroon. Donut toffee tart jelly pudding. Candy canes caramels macaroon cookie dessert macaroon soufflé cake.

Nice Support

Nice Support

Tiramisu donut chocolate. Cupcake marshmallow halvah pudding topping cheesecake topping powder. Jujubes applicake gummi bears danish candy gummies dragée pudding.

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Cheesecake applicake macaroon brownie cotton candy biscuit. Muffin bear claw fruitcake candy powder bear claw bonbon powder caramels.